
More Mythos Europe beta keys for you

With the closed beta underway for Mythos Europe, many players who tried the beta back when Flagship was developing the game are champing at the bit to get in. Of course, those testers aren't the only ones who are excited, if our free closed beta key giveaway the other day was any indication! Our initial batch of keys flew off our code server incredibly quickly, and we received comments, tweets, and emails asking for more keys!

Well, being the givers that we are here at Massively, we got in touch with our friends at Frogster and asked for another batch. The studio was only too happy to oblige, and as such, we have 250 more closed beta keys for you! All you have to do to pick one up is to head for our giveaway page and grab your very own Mythos Europe closed beta key. From there, point your browser at the Mythos page to set up your account. After that's all done, simply enter your username and key code and get your download on. A colorful, crazy adventure awaits -- so get moving if you want to grab a key before they're gone!