Advertisement is an unofficial Call of Duty film project

The countdown on has ended to reveal ... a fan film?

Self-funded "for fun," according to creative director Jeff Chan, of Toronto-based viral marketing company We Can Pretend, this live-action trailer is meant as an example of how Activision's Call of Duty game franchise could be expanded to film. "We definitely wouldn't wanna just call ourselves fans," said Chan, who would not say whether the filmmakers had talked to Activision about their project yet.

"We gave a statement on Friday," an Activision representative said in response to the trailer going live. "No further comment."

The "Find Makarov" trailer, which Chan compared to the live-action ODST short in spirit, was scripted by We Can Pretend design director Patrick Lo, who also created the website. David Fradkin produced the film, and Nir Zahavi directed the extensive viral marketing campaign. Visual effects were handled by Junction VFX, also based out of Toronto.

Chan declined to elaborate on the company's long-term intention. Watch the so-called "Live Action Modern Warfare" trailer after the break.