
Visceral seeking producer for work on 'bold new IP'

Dead Space 2 is finished. So, what's next for Visceral Games? Dead Space 3?Dante's Inferno 2?The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 2: The Returnening? Anything is possible, it seems, as a new job listing on Gamasutra reveals that the studio is hiring for an executive producer to lead a "bold new IP," one that is "heavily backed by EA leadership." (So, anything butMirror's Edge 2.)

Our best guess? It's that Macbeth game Dante's Inferno producer Jonathan Knight has "been thinking about for years." Of course, Knight is no longer with Visceral nor EA, so perhaps he took his idea with him.

[Image mock-up incorporates art from a 2007 production of MacBeth staged by the Workshop Theatre Company; source:]