
PhotoAge analysis of Steve Jobs over the years

The PhotoAge iPhone app ($0.99) is a fun little app that I have a love-hate relationship with. I love it, because it's fun to see how old the app thinks people are. I also hate PhotoAge, because it said I was 10 years older than I actually am and that result was used with evil intent at a Macworld Expo dinner (yes, I'm talking about you, Aaron!).

The developers of the app thought that Steve Jobs looked pretty darned good during his recent surprise appearance at the iPad 2 introduction, so they used their product to do an analysis of Steve's actual age versus his age as perceived by the app. The results are quite interesting.

According to PhotoAge, Jobs always looked somewhat younger than his actual age until his recent illness, when he understandably began to show signs of aging at a much more rapid pace. However, when the app analyzed his most recent appearance on Wednesday, it actually found him to look one year younger than his actual 56 years.

Whether Steve is feeling better during his most recent treatment, he's found a good makeup artist for public appearances, or PhotoAge is just plain wrong about his perceived age, we at TUAW send our best wishes for good health.