
One Shots: Death comes in the night on little cat feet

There are lots of reasons to love an MMO. For some, it's the promise of class mechanics that seem interesting. For others, it could just be a lush landscape and interesting storyline to follow as they play through the game. Perhaps you like a game because that's where all your friends are. Today's Guild Wars One Shots seems to fit all of those categories and more, at least according to Reggie A., who writes in: "Gotta love Guild Wars! Since the Dervish update I've been playing my Dervish more. I've come to love an Avatar of Grenth build. This shot was taken while doing the Chahbek Village daily in hard mode. Even in hard mode, it's so easy that it's like the Z-coins jump into your bag! I love the way Dervs play now."

Have you caught a screenshot that shows off one of your favorite things? Feel like sharing? If so, then toss that screenshot into an email and send it our way at Please be sure to add your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing in the picture so we can credit it properly! Your image could wind up being the next one we feature here on Massively!