
Choose My Adventure Live: Questing in Stranglethorn

Choose the adventures of Robin Torres as Roblinator the goblin shamanator or join in with It came from the Blog on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H).

This week, I get to stop and smell the Fadeleaf and quest some more in Stranglethorn, hanging out with Sassy and the gang. I'll be reading quests, skinning, and following your instructions. So join me by watching the stream above and chatting in the room after the break.

Update: The stream is now over. You can watch the video replay by clicking on the image above.

What have you chosen for Roblinator?

No polls this week, but here are the results from last week's:

  • Today is questing, next week is dungeoning, and after that is PvP, and we'll continue that rotation from here on out.

  • I get to hang around with the Singing Sunflower. Yay!

  • You want me to keep leatherworking and suffer. Fine -- I'll do it if you promise to play the world's tiniest violin while I do.

  • You want Roblinator to become an archaeologist, but not to bore you with the details.

  • And I'll be questing in EPL once I hit 40.

Next week will be queuing for a dungeon, so please join me if you have a character in the mid-30s on Zangarmarsh.

Please join us on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H) in It came from the Blog. Anyone can invite, so /whisper Roblinator or any online member. You are all welcome as long as you play by our simple rules -- basically, don't be a funsucker! Visit the guild FAQ for more details.