
Ask Massively: The face of hatred edition

Wii Fit Plus is the devil. It is a devil that I fight with on a daily basis, and I fight it by running for a long stretch at a time, and yet for some paradoxical reason I have never defeated it. The only reason there are no screaming obscenities in this opening paragraph is that I'm not allowed to dip into blatant cursing.

Also, I've dropped about 20 pounds over the past four months, so I can't say that it's not having an effect. But seriously, balance board, no one cares if my center of balance is 0.1% to the right. Shut up.

This week's Ask Massively is a fairly meta edition of the column, as our questions concern the other major face of hatred on display: the comment system. We're also fielding questions about the plethora of online games that aren't quite MMOs but aren't quite anything else either. As always, you can leave your questions in the comment field or mail them to

Max asked: How do I go about not posting anonymously as "unverified" and get back to using my good-ol' "Max" nickname?

I'm guessing with intense hope?

In all seriousness, our new comments system is better than the old one, but it still leaves much to be desired. The bad news is that those of us on staff don't have a lot of control over the coding, so all we can do is share your pain. The good news is that we're getting another major bugfix push this week, which will hopefully clear up some of the "unverified" issues. The further good news is that when we get mailed your comments (and we do!), we do see everyone's name, so the author at least knows it's you.

That might qualify as bad news again, depending on your comments.

Nibble asked: I know you guys generally stick with games that are indisputably MMOs, but is there any chance you'll cover something like League of Legends?

Our definition of what is and isn't an MMO is always pretty fluid and subject to a lot of decision-making on the fly. We can all agree that there are a lot of lobby-based games that don't quite fit under the definition but are within close reach. It's one of those issues we go back and forth on.

Currently, our longtime columnist Brendan Drain is working on a new series of columns rounding up the latest news from League of Legends and similar not-quite-MMO games on a weekly basis. That should help provide some love for the games that are clearly pretty massive but not quite in the category of MMO.

Looking for some advice on which class is best for soloing in Aion? Not sure who this Raph Koster fellow is? Curious about the release date of NCsoft's newest MMO? You've come to the right place! No one knows MMOs like we do. If there's anything you'd like to know about the MMO genre or the site itself, Ask Massively is here to help every Thursday afternoon. Just ask!