
Find a little bit of Lord of the Rings Online all across Europe

If you're a player of Lord of the Rings Online on the European servers, Codemasters has a very simple request for you -- find Middle-earth. And before you get in your head to try to be a tricksy hobbitses by just logging in, you should understand a bit more context. The European player community is being encouraged to take part in a new contest to find Tolkien's setting all around, looking for the parts of the real world that most closely resemble Middle-earth in feel and appearance.

Running from April 7th to April 20th, the contest asks players to find a location that reminds them of a place within the game's setting, take a photo, and submit it to Codemasters with a description and an explanation. The best entries will win a variety of goodies, including Siege of Mirkwood hoodies and a variety of in-game prizes. Lord of the Rings Online was in no small part inspired by the landscape of Europe, so players should find plenty of opportunities to find the fantastic right in their own backyards.