
Flameseeker Chronicles: The power of community

I hope ArenaNet appreciates what a fantastic community it has. I don't mean to suggest that the developers and community team are not appreciative, but this time of year it always strikes me anew what an incredibly dedicated fanbase this company enjoys.

The community talks freely with (and often at) the Guild Wars development and community teams, usually in a very casual and comfortable fashion -- inside jokes and off-topic chats are as common as serious game discussion and feedback. I'm sure it can get overwhelming for the ANet team sometimes, but it speaks volumes about the community that it's so entrenched, consistent, and knowledgeable about ArenaNet and the people behind it.

In the absence of official forums, the core Guild Wars community stepped up and did the work for ArenaNet, creating some fantastic gathering places for fans: Both Guild Wars Guru and Guild Wars 2 Guru, as well as Guild Wars Online, are commonly regarded as the "official" forums.

The community-created events are second to none, and while they happen year-round, this time of year they're everywhere you look. Whether it's for charity, for competition, for love of lore, for a holiday, or just for the sake of having a party, there are some amazingly well-coordinated events going on, all from the community.

Follow along after the jump and let's take a look at the stellar Guild Wars community.


I know I've said many times before how much I love Massively Overpowered, but it really is the best microcosm of the good side of the Guild Wars community I think I've ever seen. The guild is nearly a year old, and there are members sporting the GWAMM title playing alongside members who purchased the game two months ago. There is also everything in between, and no content goes unplayed. It's not uncommon for everyone to hero up and do his own thing, but if someone needs help or just wants company, it's wonderful to see the online guild members come running to join.

Our Thursday night Livestream events are a party in themselves, with people participating in the Livestream chat channel, local chat in game, and on the guild's Mumble server. As a rule, I run with a full group for Livestream events, but last Thursday was the exception -- we had arrived at Tihark Orchard and I was on my own. I was concerned that we'd have a boring event if I just played alone, but I underestimated the sense of fun that the community has. Both voice chat and the Livestream's text chat were alive with laughter and suggestions, and of course, the chatters were playing along with the infamous Lumo the Mime. (I beat him in the second round, in case you were wondering.)

MVOP is a member of a nine-guild alliance, and this wider community is just as much fun. There's a sense of family -- the alliance group as a whole plays together, bickers, reconciles, shares personal ups and downs, and so on. I can honestly say that I've never found this strong sense of community in a guild/alliance in any other game I've played.

Party time!

Community-sponsored events are nothing new to MMO gaming, but the Guild Wars community does it with some serious style.

Lore fans have been attending MantleCon (fka Mursaat Rally) for several years -- it's the party that celebrates the Unseen Ones in all their spooky glory. There are games, contests, a theater, and a surprising grand finale every year. The crew behind this event has done a fabulous job every year since 2007, and while this year was the final MantleCon, it's a fantastic example of what a game community should be. Players begin gathering in the district well before the event officially begins so they can talk, laugh, show off armor and costumes, and listen to music courtesy of GW-EN radio. (Big thanks to pre-event DJ HD Rocker for leaving his audience in stitches by playing Stephen Colbert's version of Friday.)

Speaking of GW-EN, who are they? The name is an acronym for Gaming World Entertainment Network, an incredible group of MMO gamers. They are affiliated with Gamers Giving Back and are the force behind the MS Toga Party, an in-game event to raise funds to fight Multiple Sclerosis. The event begins on April 16th, and there's a list of prizes to rival... well, anything you'd see in a real-world event. There's a generous list of in-game prizes for attending and participating, but it doesn't stop there.

Those who donate money to the MS Society of Canada for this event have a shot at winning items from a laundry list of real-world items both Guild Wars and non-Guild Wars related. There is an 8GB iPod nano, gaming headsets, movie props, and much more. I have a real respect for this event and the people behind it, because it's a good time with the goal of helping an organization that can make a big difference for millions of gamers and non-gamers alike.

Obviously, I feel a strong respect for what marketing and the media have done and can do to promote the Guild Wars franchise, but I can't help but feel that the community has done just as much to help make this game what it is. An MMO is nothing without a continual influx of customers -- and customers who stick around once they arrive -- and the community in Guild Wars has been a huge part of making that happen in Guild Wars. Thanks to all of you!

Rubi is a longtime Guild Wars player and the writer of Flameseeker Chronicles here at Massively. The column keeps a close eye on all the events in Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, and anything bridging the two. It's also the home of a weekly summary of the travels of [MVOP], Massively's Guild Wars guild. Email Rubi at