
Sony executive to address media regarding PlayStation Network debacle

If you're curious what Sony higher-ups have to say about the recent PlayStation Network security debacle, you'll want to check out Kazuo Hirai's remarks to the media at 2:00 p.m. Sunday in Tokyo (1:00 a.m. EDT). Hirai, Sony Corp's executive deputy president, is expected to field questions from journalists as well as use his considerable PR skills to put a positive spin on the situation and its aftermath.

Much is at stake for the global entertainment giant, including possible legal actions resulting from the compromise of 77 million user accounts (and the company's delayed response and acknowledgment of the problem well after the fact). It's a big moment for Hirai as well; the executive is considered the front-runner in the race to supplant current Sony president Howard Stringer -- who has "been vague about his plans from the next financial year that starts in April 2012" according to Reuters.