
Join the Fallen Earth Decontamination Team

Attention all wasteland wanderers! Are you interested in helping Icarus Studios keep Fallen Earth tidy and neat? Well, at least by post-apocalyptic wasteland standards, anyway. Do you think you have what it takes to ruthlessly search for and destroy bugs and exploits without feeling pity, remorse, or fear? Do you know your way around the shattered remains of the Grand Canyon like the back of your hand?

Yes? Then boy do we have an opportunity for you! The Fallen Earth Decontamination Team is looking for new recruits. All it takes is a short questionnaire, a bit of personal information, and the desire and ability to "think outside of the box and not only seek out and report on bugs and issues in Fallen Earth but also help to find reproducible steps for other bugs that have been reported."

If this sounds like your idea of a good time, then head on over to the Decontamination Team's page, fill out the application, and send it off to the head honchos over at Fallen Earth. In no time, you could be helping to make the Arizona wasteland a happier -- but probably not much healthier, what with the Shiva virus and all -- place.