
Safari Books Online takes Safari to Go to the iPad

Safari Books Online iPad app

Safari Books Online (SBO) has announced the availability of Safari To Go, its second-generation iPad app (first launched in November 2010) that offers access to SBO's extensive library of books and videos. This free application lets users mark favorites, save books for offline reading, search by topic and more.

Speaking of SBO's library, it's extensive. You'll find thousands of books and videos from over 40 publishers, like Apress, Cisco Press, FT Press* and O'Reilly. Most titles focus on technology as well as professional development and working with digital media.

Note that the app will perform best on a Wi-Fi network. The developers note that a future update will increase 3G support.

The app is free and available now. E-book junkies with a technology bent will want to add this one to their lineup.

*Full disclosure: I have a book available from Safari Books Online via FT Press.