
World of Tanks gearing up for 0.6.4 patch

World of Tanks is prepping for its latest patch, and the 0.6.4 upgrade is scheduled to go live on May 17th. Balance changes for vehicles, combat, and non-combat mechanics are on the menu, as are overhauls to the garage and battle UIs as well as a few graphical and performance tweaks.

New vehicles include the premium heavy Lowe, KV-5, KV-13, and Pz38NA in addition to the Object 261, GW-E, and T-92. has also improved World of Tanks' vehicle movement system, which has resulted in the elimination of the sticking bug that rendered vertical surfaces and map borders problematic.

The 0.6.4 patch also includes two new maps, and you can check out a nifty video of the Mountain Pass and Prairie regions courtesy of our earlier coverage. Make tracks to the official World of Tanks website for the full patch notes. And when you're done reading up, head over to celebrate on WoT's Facebook page, where the team has recently announced a new concurrency record of 155,000 players!