
The Queue: Fused with infinity

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Alex Ziebart will be your host today.

Mike Sacco was raving about Terraria so much all weekend that I was pretty excited to get to log on and rock some multiplayer with him and Mat McCurley. I log onto their server with my character, wearing some pretty sweet sweatpants and a hooded sweatshirt. I flee through the night from zombies, flying eyeballs, and soul devourers to find Mike's character leaping carelessly around his godstone-hewn mountain fortress with his rocket shoes, wearing crimson crystalline battle armor that makes him look like a shinier version of that guy from Viewtiful Joe. I think his name was Viewtiful Joe.

Is that what it's like to be a newbie in WoW again?

mgall726 asked:

Do you think current Archaeology epics will scale to still be as good as raid drops in 4.2? Like having Zin'rokh become a 378 epic? If not, do you think they'll be adding more epics that are on par with the new raids to make archy still be worth it for end-game?

I don't see any reason why Blizzard would scale them up to match raids in patch 4.2. I also don't see why Blizzard would add epics of that ilevel to archaeology. The archaeology epics are very good items, but I don't think they're intended to replace raiding or doing actual PvE content. They're a really cool bonus to something you can do solo and they help you step into raiding more smoothly, but they don't (and won't) replace raiding.

Amaxe asked:

Working another alt through the Twilight Highlands, I was struck by a thought.

From the Alliance perspective, the Dragonmaw orcs are total bastards burning and sacking the area around Thundermar. From this view, the Wildhammer Dwarves are the persecuted and the Dragonmaw are the persecutors.

Since the Horde seems to have dailies in the ruins of Thundermar as well, it seems like they are the encroachers.

However, Blizz does seem to like giving both sides only part of the picture.

Can someone on the Horde side enlighten me as to how it looks from their perspective? Do the Horde quests come across with the Wildhammers attacking them? Or is it more of a "Yep, we're scum!" perspective? Or somewhere in between?

The commenters yesterday answered this question for you rather well, but I wanted to comment on it a little. The Twilight Highlands are very interesting to me in that the war between the Horde and the Alliance is almost completely one-sided from a player's perspective. Not once in the Alliance version of the zone do you go on the offensive. Not once. From the Alliance's point of view, the Horde is razing our few settlements in the zone, murdering civilians, and looting every resource we have. The Alliance tries to protect itself but never goes on the offensive.

From the Horde's perspective, it's a little more gray. The Wildhammer Dwarves do interfere with the Horde in some places, so it might somehow justify the Dragonmaw's aggression, but Alliance players never see that. We don't experience any of it. The Alliance spends its time running from the Horde so it can fight the Twilight Hammer instead -- oh, and throw a wedding.

In the daily quest hub in Twilight Highlands, the Horde are the aggressors. No question. The Horde quests require you to assault the dwarven settlement. The Alliance quests require you to fend off that assault.

The Twilight Highlands are at war, but it feels like the developers decided the Alliance doesn't get to participate in it. The Alliance is largely excluded from this conflict that Blizzard sells to the Horde as hard as it possibly can. I wish that weren't the case. I would like to take part in this major piece of Cataclysm's story in some meaningful way, you know?

Evenstar asked:

What happened to the KeyRing on the PTR? I have all my keys on my bags, no sign of the keyring. Is it a Bug or it's intentional?

It's probably intentional. If I had to guess, I would say Blizzard is most likely phasing out keys entirely so they can use that sliver of UI real estate for a more useful button than the keyring. I don't have a link handy, but I very clearly remember that at BlizzCon 2010's (2009's?) UI panel, a developer specifically mentioned that they didn't like how they implemented the keyring into the UI. They never said they were getting rid of it, but it was laid out that it didn't feel good.

The keyring is completely gone from patch 4.2's UI, and I'm not sure they would accidentally gut out a UI element like that. It's likely gone for good.

Whythand asked:

When looking at certain spells it seems as though they are really broad in their description. For EXAMPLE, Devotion Aura reads "Provides additional armor." Is there an option to turn on more detailed descriptions? I'd like to know the exact numbers without having to look them up online.

Yes! You actually have Beginner Tooltips turned on in your interface options. This is turned on by default for new characters, I believe. Someone who is brand new to the game likely does not have any idea what the specific numbers actually mean, so "provides additional armor" is easier to understand than "provides X number of armor."

If you turn off beginner tooltips, the game will go back to displaying precise numbers on all of your spells.

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!