
Lonely Planet's Best in Travel free on iBookstore

Lonely Planet has a deal going on in the iBookstore to advertise some of its published offerings there. For a limited time, the Best in Travel 2011 book can be downloaded in iBooks for free. The book ranks the top 10 places to visit around the world this year, featuring special one-time only events and even a travel planner, along with value tips and other fun extras. The download is free until June 14, so feel free to grab it right now in iBooks.

Lonely Planet has other books for sale on Apple's service, and a quick browse through the top free books in iBooks shows there's some recipe guides and Apple's own iPad User Guide to be had right now. I've really been using iBooks a lot lately as both an e-reader and a reference app, and while most free e-book lists are dominated by copyright-free classics, hopefully we'll see some newer titles like this come out and provide some solid free content on the iBookstore.