
One Shots: Definitely not for display only

Mount week continues on One Shots with another motorized mount from the APB community. Kaul sent in an image of this carefully crafted vehicle:

My mount isn't an animal, but it is the perfect one for me since I didn't just get to choose it in a list of dozens of amazing ones but actually had the opportunity to design it as I wanted. Is there any mount more awesome than the one you get to design yourself? There isn't.

It's a beautiful Packer Ceresco van featuring the emblem of the E.R.I.S. Think of it as a U.N.-funded Mystery Machine. What's more, there is even a guest of international fame inside, Mahou Shojou Madoka Magica's Charlotte.
That is my definition of an awesome mount. How can a griffon stand up to that? Oh sure, it can fly, but any car can fly high with APB Reloaded's physics.

It sounds like Kaul has thrown down the gauntlet! Is there another mount more awesome? If you think there is, prove it by sending a screenshot to along with your name and the name of the game, then tell us a little about what your awesome ride is and how you came by it. We'll show it off here on One Shots for everyone to admire!

Finally, don't forget to get the jump on next week's One Shots theme: unusual foes. Send us the funniest, most strangely designed, or scariest enemy you've taken on in an MMO and we'll share it here on One Shots!