
AT&T also working with Apple on shrinking SIMs

Back in May, an Orange executive told Reuters that Apple had proposed a standardized SIM card that would be smaller than those currently found in the iPad and iPhone 4. Orange was apparently supportive of Apple's efforts to create the smaller SIM and now it looks like AT&T also is throwing its support behind Apple.

According to an AllThingsD interview with Ralph de la Vega, President and CEO of AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets , AT&T is also "working with the industry" to develop a smaller SIM standard. While de la Vega didn't mention Apple by name, it likely that Apple is one of the "industry" partners that wants one SIM standard for both Europe and America. Also, if AT&T is working with the "industry" to achieve a smaller SIM standardization, the wireless carrier wouldn't be seeking to change a standardization without the blessing of one of its most important smartphone manufacturers.