
Pocket Legends teams up with Sony for Xperia PLAY event

Spacetime Studios and Sony recently teamed up to put on a unique event inside Spacetime's Pocket Legends mobile MMO. A new press release touts the "world's first in-game mobile flash mob," which happened during this month's E3 convention in Los Angeles.

Pocket Legends players took part in a "Find the Droid" competition in which an Android mascot would make its way through the game world while enterprising players gave chase. The promotion was designed to draw attention to the new Sony Xperia PLAY platform, and Spacetime gave away more than 11,000 themed vanity items during the course of the event.

Pocket Legends, the world's largest mobile MMO in terms of downloads (4 million and counting), will be expanding to the Android-powered Xperia PLAY later this summer.