
One Shots: Shh, it's starting!

Eliot is our One Shots star today as staff pick week continues, and he's got a gorgeous nighttime shot from Final Fantasy XIV:

This is from a fairly large roleplaying event that took place on the Besaid server in Final Fantasy XIV. The event was a large community sharing of stories, with each speaker getting up in turn and sharing a tale. It was a really nice event all around and a great chance to meet more people on the server.

Keep your eyes on One Shots all week to see what the Massively staff loves playing and showing off. Next week's theme is all about gear. It'll be your chance to show off your most epic armor and weapons and tell us all about how you acquired them. The week after that is pet week, and we can't wait to see your awesome pet companions and hear all about them. Just send a screenshot to along with your name, the name of the game, and a paragraph or two telling us about what we're seeing!