
Deadly Premonition walking backwards to UK Games on Demand next week

Eager to virtually explore the bizarre world of Agent York in Deadly Premonition, but can't seem to locate a hard copy of the cult hit? Rising Star Games has you covered, as the publisher plans to launch the title digitally through Xbox Live's Games on Demand service next week, on July 5, for an unannounced price -- at least in the UK. We've reached out to DP's North American publisher, Ignition Entertainment, to see if it's landing Stateside as well.

So, rather than spending July 5 sweating profusely, how about grabbing a piping hot cup of coffee, turning on the AC, and walking through the doors of perception with us? Don't worry, we'll bring the pie.

Update: The game will cost £14.99/€19.99 in the UK/EU, and Rising Star is only handling distribution in PAL territories. We've yet to hear back from Ignition reps.

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Deadly Premonition coming to Xbox LIVE 5th July 2011
Huge cult hit soon available to download from Games on Demand
Tuesday 28thJune 2011: Rising Star Games today announced Deadly Premonition is coming to Microsoft Xbox LIVE Games on Demand. One of Rising Star Games' success stories of 2010, Deadly Premonition developed a cult following after receiving hugely contrasting reviews from top games publications and respected reviewers. Deadly Premonition went on to be nominated for and, in some cases, win an impressive number of awards. With review scores ranging from 2 to 10, this was the game of the year that people were compelled to try for themselves.

Developed by Access Games, Deadly Premonition is an open-world game set in Greenvale, a secluded rural town in North-West America. Playing as FBI Special Agent Francis York, gamers are charged with solving the shocking, ritualistic and brutal murder of a local girl, unravelling the mystery via clues, lies and a trail of bodies. Agent York travels around Greenvale in a variety of vehicles – entertaining gamers with facts about movies along the way – encountering eccentric natives, supernatural creatures and a folklore killer, who stalks his victims in a blood-drenched raincoat. Agent York's appearance changes in 'real time' (shaving, showering and eating are essential), and this level of hygiene has consequences as it influences the townsfolk's perceptions of him. Side quests and mini-games, such as darts, fishing and collecting trading cards also feature.

"Deadly Premonition is a quirky and unique title we are proud to have published," says Martin Defries, managing director, Rising Star Games. "We knew there was an audience for the title and we delivered them the game they wanted. Now Deadly Premonition is on Games on Demand it will give even more people a chance to marvel at this completely individual title and decide for themselves what they think of the most controversial title of 2010."

Deadly Premonition is to be released on the Xbox Live Network via Games on Demand 5thJuly 2011, courtesy of Rising Star Games

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For further information, screenshots and press samples (when available), please contact:

Harry Cole (Premier PR)

Ali Wood (Premier PR)

Yen Hau (Rising Star Games)

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About Rising Star Games

Rising Star Games Limited is a video games publisher for Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo DS™ and Wii™, Sony PS3 and PSP™ in the PAL territory. A joint venture between Japanese video game publisher and content developer Intergrow Inc and long standing Nintendo Nordic distributor Bergsala AB, Rising Star Games is now in its seventh year of trading and has published more than 50. For more information please go to


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