
One Shots: Her interests include cooking, shopping, and stabbing

Massively reader Yarr treats us to a gorgeous screenshot of one of his Aion characters for today's One Shots:

While I don't really have a main in Aion, this gal is one of my favorites. Although she defends her home as an Assassin, she spends most of her time cooking, or wheeling and dealing on the broker with a fair amount of price manipulation when the opportunity arises. Stealth, stabbing, sauces, and selling - that is what keeps her happy!

We've taken a look at all of your accessories over the past few weeks on One Shots: weapons, armor, mounts, and pets. But now it's time to turn the spotlight on the star of the show. We want to see you -- well, your character. Snap a screenshot of your favorite character in your favorite MMO. Let us know about him or her by sending the screenshot, your name, and some information about the character to, and we'll feature it here on One Shots!