
The Classifieds: Including tips for submitting to The Classifieds

The Classifieds brings you weekly news from around the WoW community, including our famous Random Acts of Uberness shout-outs to players who make your WoW sessions memorable.

We had a few questions this week for how to actually submit tips to this column, from guild advertisements to acts of uberness and other snippets here and there.

In general, keep your advertisement to a few sentences to a paragraph long. While we have lots of space some weeks, other weeks the column can get pretty tight. More importantly to you, we find that people don't really read paragraphs longer than a few sentences. They might skim the information, but mostly you want to make sure that you keep your entire advertisement quickly consumable and easy to understand.

In terms of making your guild stand out, try and look for things that really separate you from everyone else. Most guilds try and focus on mature people who enjoy having fun, have a laid-back atmosphere, and enjoy drama-free raiding. What's more unique is the flavor of your guild chat. Do you talk about comic books, sports, or family life? What class is your main tank? What's the guild structure like?

Lastly, make sure you include links to your guild, characters, and other important bits. While I do my best to look them up on, if I can't find the character, I can link readers to it. Make sure to scan the instructions in each section, too; we include more tips there.

Random Acts of Uberness

It's when another player lights up your night with precise play, a wicked sense of humor or unexpected generosity that your login becomes something to remember. Share your Random Acts of Uberness with Keep things brief (150 words or less, please), and be sure to list everyone's character names and home realms or battlegroup. Don't be afraid of sending an entry more than once if it doesn't appear; sometimes internet dragons eat email, and we'd hate to let that keep deserving players from getting their due.

Deilana of Cenarion Circle (US-A) Just a quick shout-out to Deilana on Cenarion Circle - when Solix (rare spawn challenge spider) spawned in the Molten Front, she called it out in /1 for lucky hunters who wanted him - when I got there and noobed it up by dying a few times, she was very patient and helped me again and again - and when another hunter killed him while I was taming, she offered to friend me and whisper me if she saw him again. Was I ever surprised when she whispered me the next day! This time I got there and got it right the very first time, with Deilana's help (again)... one of the nicest things anyone's ever done for me in WoW. Thanks! -- Keleos

Fleasmasher of Durotan (US-A) returned a pricey BoE that I had inadvertently posted with one less zero than reasonable. This honorable action saved me tens of thousands of gold. He is a credit to the good player attitude his guild represents, and I thank him.

Employment: Guilds recruiting

Looking for more? Send in your guild name, realm, a link to your guild website or armory listing and a sentence or two on your guild's focus (10-man, RP, late-night raiding, whatever) to

Explicit guild Sunday and monday raiding available for college-aged or older. Explicitly Progressive is a small raiding guild on US-Mug'thol (Horde) built around 1 core 10-man team. We value intelligent, progression-oriented raiding on a light schedule, with teammates we can respect both as people and as players. Our current group is composed of people college-age and up, and we're looking for players of similar maturity. Our raid schedule is 8-11pm Sunday & Monday, and we are 6/7 Firelands (12/12 & 3/13 Tier 11 pre-4.2). Visit or pst Lekal in-game for more info & to apply. We're currently seeking 1 resto shaman.

Gnomes welcome Adult-focused guild seeking drama-free friends. Bushido is currently seeking exceptional players of several classes. Created in 2008, we're an 18+, drama-free 25-man progression raiding guild, currently 4/7 in FL. We place priority on maintaining real lives outside of WoW, which requires our players to very focused during our limited raid time, Tue/Thurs nights from 7:30-10:30pm PST. We like gnomes. For more information, drop by our recruitment forum at!

Still flying Again, I can't help but throw a Firefly reference. Team Serenity of LSoD (Alliance, US-Whisperwind) is currently recruiting solid, friendly players! We are a semi-casual raid team currently at 3/7 Normal, and we raid Tuesday & Thursday 7:30-10:30pm Central Time. We are looking for 2 ranged dps (1 Hunter & 1 Boomkin/EleShaman/Warlock) and 1 healer (pref. Paladin). Check out our website for more information. Thanks!

Crack open The Classifieds for weekly player and community news, help finding the right guild, events of interest and more. Send us your shout-outs for Random Acts of Uberness and mail your news tips and announcements to