
Fallen Earth state of the game talks 1.9.2, economics, and more

Fallen Earth

Curious -- and perhaps a tad impatient -- regarding the status of Fallen Earth's free-to-play transition? We were, and fortunately for everyone, producer Marie Croall just penned a dev blog that's given us a bit more insight into the goings-on around the wasteland as of late.

The good news is that "the heavy lifting is over" in terms of the account and services migration to GamersFirst. Croall says that the Fallen Earth team is a smidge over halfway through the entire transition process, so for now it'll still cost you a few bucks to log in and get your post-apocalyptic sandpark fix.

Croall spends some virtual ink talking about this month's fast travel/1.9.2 patch, and she also goes into a bit more detail on the combat changes that came with it. Finally, she touches on the game's second anniversary (yeah, it's been two years already!), which happens next month and will also herald some economic changes designed to make the game's well-regarded crafting system pack a little more punch. There's more too, but much of it is farther down the development pipeline, and we highly recommend heading to the official Fallen Earth dev blog to check it out.