
Summer of Arcade games top XBLA sales

In the first half of the year, whenever you ask an XBLA developer when their game is coming out, you'll almost always get the same answer: "We're shooting for summer." It's not just that downloadable games look great with a base tan. Their creators are hoping to get on board with Microsoft's Summer of Arcade promotion and all the promotion that goes with it. As the XBLA activity readings (based on purchased versions) for last week demonstrate, it's a profitable plan.

The top three titles between August 1st and 8th were the current Summer of Arcade offerings: From Dust, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet and Bastion. We don't have specific numbers, but when you see a high-profile, high-quality July release like Ms. Splosion Man (which wasn't part of the promotion) way down there at #15, it's hard to deny the Summer of Arcade bump.