
One Shots: Aye aye, Cap'n Tightpants!

One Shots Fallen Earth

Today's One Shots takes us to Fallen Earth's wasteland, where visitors to Watchtower in Sector 1 will find a subtle nod to Firefly.

Icarus Studios didn't go over the top when creating Captain Reynolds. He's not wearing a brown coat and chatting about spaceships, but the name alone is familiar enough that most fans will smile in recognition.

We're celebrating pop culture in our MMOs this week. Developers sneak references in all over games, whether it be via NPCs, quests, or items, and we want to see your favorites. Grab a screenshot, tell us a bit about what it is, and send it to We'll be featuring the best of these all week.

It's also time to start thinking about next week's One Shots theme, and we'll be revisiting an old favorite: environments. Snap a screenshot of your favorite MMO vista and send it in, and we'll feature it on One Shots next week!