
Building Björk's "Biophillia" iPad app

Creative Applications has got an interesting post on the development of Björks new app album, Biophillia, as well as the in-app purchased track, "Virus."

As mentioned on TUAW a few weeks back, Björk released what she refers to as the first "app album" on the iOS App Store. The Icelandic artist is renowned for being different, particularly when it comes to her music, and the app album, Biophillia, is certainly different from most other traditional album releases.

Creative Applications got in touch with Scott Snibbe -- co-creator of the app -- to get some insight into how Biophillia came about. The post includes details on the journey of the app's development, including some concept sketches by Björk and Scott, the tools used to code the app and some of the inspirational imagery behind it.

While Biophillia is a free app download, users are required to purchase the songs of the album via in-app purchase as they are released, though the song "Cosmogony" comes free with the app. Each song brings with it an additional component to the world of Biophillia -- lyrics, the score, animation, credits and a blurb about the song. It's all very interactive and certainly a unique way to listen to an album.

If you're a fan of Björk's Biophillia app, the post is certainly worth a read. And from an app developers point of view, it's an unique eye opener into the work that's gone on behind the scenes.