
The Classifieds: BlizzCon is two weeks away

The Classifieds brings you weekly news from around the WoW community, including our famous Random Acts of Uberness shout-outs to players who make your WoW sessions memorable.

As I was busily working yesterday in stately Gray Manor, my good friend (and boss) Dan dropped me a message. "Do you realize," he said (and I paraphrase, because he's my boss), "BlizzCon is just two weeks away?"

I dropped my coffee with a gasp. It really is just two weeks away. We'll get to see the Foo Fighters rock the house and stand in line to buy awesome merchandise. Oh yeah, and WoW Insider is going to have one hell of a party.

Here's hoping you're packing your bags, folks. BlizzCon is getting very, very close. Two weeks will fly by before you know it, and suddenly we'll all be in Anaheim soaking in that beautiful Blizzard love.

Random Acts of Uberness

It's when another player lights up your night with precise play, a wicked sense of humor or unexpected generosity that your login becomes something to remember. Share your Random Acts of Uberness with Keep things brief (150 words or less, please), and be sure to list everyone's character names and home realms or battlegroup. Don't be afraid of sending an entry more than once if it doesn't appear; sometimes internet dragons eat email, and we'd hate to let that keep deserving players from getting their due.

Lorillina of Alleria (US-A) About a month ago my DK on Alleria, GeoKnight, sent money to the tune of 10k gold to at the time what I thought was my Shaman Lorilina. However, upon sending the mail and never receiving it on Lorilina I knew I had to have accidentally hit an extra character in the "To" field. So I took it for what it was worth and crossed my fingers and sent out mail to every possible misspelling I could think of. Simply stating, "I accidentally mailed that money to the wrong toon, my mistake. Enjoy!"

Well, come to find out that today I log in to that little mail blip on my map and long behold it's Lorillina from Alleria returning my gold! I can't thank them enough and wanted to share this with you guys (and gals). There are some really decent people out there that I am glad to say that I play this game with them! -- Geoknight

Roleplay workshop

Pox is holding roleplay workshops again! Here's the details you need:

This Saturday, October 8 at 6 pm mountain standard time, the Shadow Council Horde guild Pox is hosting the second in its Introduction to Role-Playing series of workshops. This workshop is all about the history behind your character. We offer tips, tricks, and suggestions on how to create a great history for your character while helping you avoid some of the pitfalls that have happened in the past.

You'll be able to find them at Thunder Bluff, at the bonfire by Blaine.

Employment: Guilds recruiting

Looking for more? Send in your guild name, realm, a link to your guild website or armory listing and a sentence or two on your guild's focus (10-man, RP, late-night raiding, whatever) to

Melee DPS When everyone else is looking for healers, a few guilds are looking for melee DPS. Legacy of Fear (Medivh-US-A) is recruiting! We are looking for more melee DPS to round out our 10 man raid team. Raid time is Tuesday nights, 9pm-12am server time. We are also accepting applications for non-raid members. LoF does everything; you'll always have a guildie to pal around with! Find us online at or PST Aöibhinn in-game for more information.

Need Heals Amongst Amongst raids, you need heals amongst the members. Guild Honor Amongst is looking for healers for raid progression through newly-nerfed Firelands. Raid times are 9:00 to 11:100 PST. Must have Mumble chat client, DBM, and consistent connection. Extra salad croutons for holy paladins or discipline priest.

Resto druid? From time to time, everyone needs to find a good restoration druid. Explictly Progressive of US-Mug'thol [H] is LF 1 resto druid for our core 10-man team, 8-11 Sun Mon, 7/7 & 3/7HMs in FL. We focus in raids and get silly with scifi references, dirty jokes, and friendly trash-talk outside raid. Official guild drink: Kraken rum. Please do not milk the tauren. Visit or pst Lekal for info/to app.

Crack open The Classifieds for weekly player and community news, help finding the right guild, events of interest and more. Send us your shout-outs for Random Acts of Uberness and mail your news tips and announcements to