
Twitter CEO calls Apple a "corporate mentor"

Speaking onstage at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco Monday evening, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said that Apple was a corporate mentor to the company.

"Those guys [at Apple] are an amazing partner for us. When they think about products and enhancing products they think about editing them. [At Twitter] we're going to offer simplicity in a world of complexity... they're a corporate mentor to us."

The comments were spurred when Costolo was asked about how the iOS 5 Twitter integration was working out for the company so far. That integration could well be the most important move Twitter has made in the last year. On October 12th, the day iOS 5 was released, Costolo said that Twitter saw new user signups from iOS devices more than triple. "The iOS integration is going to be absolutely huge for us," Costolo said. "It's going to be even better than we thought it would be."

[via Gigaom]