
Computerworld releases long version of 1995 Steve Jobs interview

Computerworld has a piece of Apple history that Apple fans should watch. In 1995, a then 40-year-old Steve Jobs sat down with Computerworld's Daniel Morrow for a 75-minute interview. The one-on-one talk was recorded as part of an oral history project organized by the Computerworld Information Technology Awards Foundation. At this point in time, Jobs was still at NeXT and involved with Pixar. It was before he returned to Apple and took the technology world by storm with the iPod, iPhone and iPad.

The interview is available as a single 75-minute clip for registered Computerworld users and as several shorter clips for those who don't have a free Computerworld login. The video interview discusses the early days of Steve Jobs's career -- his Silicon Valley roots, his removal from Apple and his time at NeXT and Pixar.