
Rusty Hearts celebrates Cells of Darkness update with free items for fans

Booga booga

Rusty Hearts, the free-to-play hack-and-slash title from Perfect World Entertainment, launched its second major content update today. The update, titled Cells of Darkness, brings a higher level cap, new zones, and new dungeons to the game, along with much more.

Given the title, we think it's no surprise that Cells of Darkness has a decidedly creepy feel. The new Cemetery district features a new Pet Shed as well as Pet Resurrection. The four new dungeons -- the Conservatory, Arboretum, Quarantined Labs, and Debtor's Prison -- provide a trip through mad-scientist land as players head toward the new level cap of 36. The developers have also unveiled a long list of new skills and weapons for everyone. Cells of Darkness promises enough new content to keep even the most hardcore Rusty Hearts fan busy for a long time.

Even better, the team at Perfect World Entertainment has given us a pile of booster packages to share with you! The packages includes a +5% physical attack scroll and the Hard Work and Effort title, a very rare title that gives big boosts to HP and mana. To get your booster package, simply visit our giveaway page, claim a code, then head to the Rusty Hearts redemption page. Make sure you're logged into your Perfect World account, enter the code in the box, then select the server and character you wish to receive the items. Click submit, then log into Rusty Hearts and check your mail.

Enjoy your new booster package as well as Cells of Darkness, and thanks to Perfect World Entertainment for the gifts!

[Sorry, all codes have been claimed]