
Get your closed beta key for Archlord X: The Chronicles

Archlord X

The development team at Webzen has been hard at work, and it's all about to pay off -- for you. Webzen is all set to kick off the closed beta test of Archlord X: The Chronicles, and the company has passed us a set of beta keys to share.

Archlord X is a continuation of the events of the Archlord universe, according to Webzen. The Archlord X game scenario is based a hundred years after Archlord, when Chantra fell into chaos from the Archon running out of control.

Ready to check it out for yourself? Visit our giveaway page, then head over to the Archlord X redemption page. Create an account via the "play for free" button if you have not, then enter your beta key serial code. Once you've done that you're all set to download Archlord X -- enjoy!

[Sorry, all codes have been claimed]