
Global Chat: December 11-17, 2011


Welcome to this week's Global Chat! We love hearing what you have to say at Massively, and we love it even more when we can share the best comments with all of our readers. Massively staffers will be contributing some of their favorite comments every week, so keep an eye out every Sunday for more Global Chat!

It was a crazy busy week with so much to talk about, and while we could go all over the map with reader comments, we're going to focus on one last goodbye today. Follow along after the break for our readers' fondest farewells to Star Wars Galaxies.

From Glentendo:

SWG was the game that introduced me to the MMORPG genre back in 2004. I have to honestly say that there hasn't been a game that has come close to the complexity and just pure enjoyment that SWG was. Maybe it's nostalgia talking; maybe not. SWG was an amazing game in its prime (back before a certain "game enhancement"). Anyways, I'm very disheartened to see it go. Farewell SWG; your memory will live on.

Aerynne says:

Although I have loved SWG since I first logged on in 2003, you are correct that the last few years were the best, when everything fell into place.

I ran a player city on Corellia, and although it was always just pixels, it never felt that way to me and my fellow citizens. It was our home in the Star Wars universe, and the memories I have of that place and those people will last a lifetime.

RIP SWG -- you will be missed. I feel sorry for those gamers who never knew you, for they will never know how much more MMO gaming could -- and should -- be.

Rick1975 joined the party in the final hours:

Last night I logged in for the last time... I went to the pit in the desert of Tatooine where everyone was hanging out, brought out the razor cat, took out my double bladed lightsaber with the Sunrider's Destiny crystal (got it pre NGE), and partied with the rest of everyone else because that is the type of going out party SWG deserved!

From Jealouspirate:

Must be sad for all the SWG fans out there. I mean, I know that all the MMOs I love playing will be permanently gone someday... but it always seems so far off. I know I would be very sad to get booted off the server, never to login again.

I hope all you fans find another game to be passionate about!

Finally, from BasmatiJoh:

I really wish my first MMO experience belonged to such a unique and player-driven one. It sounds like a game like SWG really allowed for its playerbase's creativity, along with their friendships to flourish under such a liberated game design.

I wish I could have been acquainted with you longer, SWG. One day, the industry and gamer community will start to feel the indigestion of this drive-thru-style gameplay, as you describe, and begin to realize what truly is lost with SWG and it's freeing game model.

Thanks for everything, Star Wars Galaxies.

Global Chat is the weekly feature that's all about you, our readers. Every Sunday we collect the best, funniest, and most thought-provoking comments from the Massively readers and round them up into Global Chat for discussion. Read over them for yourself, hit the comment button, and add your own thoughts!