
WRUP: WoW Insider's rockin' New Year's Eve eve

Every week, just at the start of the weekend, we catch up with the WoW Insider staff and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" -- otherwise known as: WRUP. Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game, and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!

Ah, New Year's Eve -- a magical evening when you get annoyed by Ryan Seacrest for a few hours, watch some bands (who will be entirely irrelevant by 2013) perform, and suffer through an unsettling attempt by a stroke victim to accurately rattle off a countdown. And it's all followed up with a sad, post-midnight attempt to recreate the magic by watching Chicago celebrate the Central Time Zone's version of the New Year. Silly Chicago -- your New Year's doesn't count. Only New York's does.

But, of course, New Year's Eve is about more than just traditional network programming. New Year's Eve also affords us all the chance to make New Year's resolutions. That's what today's WRUP is all about -- New Year's resolutions. What's your New Year's resolution? And ... of course ... what are you playing?

Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) I'll be cleaning up the Christmas decorations and lugging them all back up to the attic for another year. As for games, no raiding this weekend, so I'm hoping to get a little Skyrim in, in between other projects I've got kicking around the house. The main thing I'll be doing is staining the bookcase I designed so that it can take its proper place on the wall and be stuffed with as many books as possible! My WoW resolution? Get that stupid horse from Attumen already. My WoW Insider resolution? I don't have a particular resolution other than keepin' on with the keeping people entertained thing and hopefully getting a few more people interested in lore in the process!

Chase Hasbrouck (@alarondruid) I'll be heading to my parents' for a long New Year's week, so not much gaming for me. (Unless I finally decide to upgrade from my rooted Droid1. Love that thing, but it's aged.) For WoW 2012: Get fully kitted out in Raid Finder gear and go see how many level 80 raid bosses I can solo now. Already killed a few in Naxx.

Daniel Whitcomb (@DanielWhitcomb) Well, SWTOR's hit me harder than I thought (my Republic Trooper Commando is level 25 on Nar Shadda), so I'm hoping to spend this weekend catching up on WoW and getting some Raid Finder in if I can tear myself away from my big green alien female shepard. (Seriously, my Trooper is voiced by Jennifer Hale, how cool is that? All I am missing is Garrus)

My WoW Resolution is to get my mage and warrior to level 85 and kitted with full Raid Finder gear before the expansion is up.

Fox Van Allen (@foxvanallen) ( Spending the New Year's weekend in Philadelphia before heading back to Boston. I'll also be working on my two new books: a compilation of @horse_ebooks 2011 tweets, and an illustrated children's book based on @horse_ebooks. We'll worry about the details for the horse_ebooks ebook and the horse_ebooks ebook on tape later.

My WoW Insider resolution? To make it all the way through to 2013 without getting fired.

Joe Perez
Looking for raid on the hunter, need another shot at getting her that bow off Deathwing! Other than that my time will be spent in a galaxy far, far away. Still having a blast! My WoW resolution, to actively become a healing mercenary this year! Well, maybe.

Josh Myers (@elamqt) I'll be doing what I do every weekend -- working! Other than that, I've dusted off the ol' arms warrior, because apparently doing Raid Finder on my two 380+ characters a chore already, and I need to add a third. Gurthalak is just so cool, though!

Kelly Aarons (@Cadistra) OH MAN. I am playing ALL THE THINGS. I got a handful of XBLA points for Christmas, so I bought Trine 2, Rock of Ages, Bastion, and a few others, not to mention more Skyrim, SWTOR, and finally logging back into WoW after so long.
My WoW-based resolutions? Start leveling some damn alts!

Mathew McCurley (@gomatgo) I'll be playing some WoW and some SWTOR this weekend, still working on my shadow priest and trudging through the Jedi Knight storyline. I think I'm almost finished with Act I, and this game has been incredibly fun to just sit back and watch. Raid Finder also sounds like a fun idea when I can pull myself away from the Jedi story.

Oh, and my WoW resolution -- enjoy the game more than I've ever enjoyed it. WoW lets me be casual about the game by design now more than ever, and I really, really love it.

Matthew Rossi (@matthewrossi) Skyrim, SWTOR, WoW.

Josh, just to get back at you I got my enhancement shaman a No'kaled.

Matt Low (@Matticus) I went and bought myself an Xbox 360 on Boxing Day (Canadian version of Black Friday). Picked up Dance Central 2! So I'll be getting my groove on. No, I won't be streaming. In between that, probably start doing some Operations in SWTOR or something.

Michael Gray (@writegray) I'm finishing up a mage before getting him geared to go fight Deathwing in the Raid Finder. I continue to love the Raid Finder functionality and it gets me excited about alts in a way nothing else has before.

My WoW resolution for 2012 is ... well, to keep on trucking. I'm pretty happy with the game and where I am playing it right now.

Olivia Grace (@oliviadgrace) I'm going to be freaking out about essay writing and doing a little bit of WoW alt levelling on the first with my hangover. My New Year's resolution is to think up lots of interesting ways to say "yep, still WoW" for WRUP. It's like 99% of my game time!

Robin Torres (@cosmiclaurel) Friday night is Caroling Carnage, which you all will be joining me at, right? I'll probably level my blood elf mage a bit, level my Tiny Tower a bit and play SWTOR a bit. But Sunday, if not too hung over, I'll be playing the Disneyland game with The Spousal Unit and of course, The Spawn.

Resolution: Get two more characters to 85 before Pandatime.

The weekend is the perfect time to kick back, relax and enjoy some game time. Are you an achievement junkie? Can't get enough raiding? Rolling a new alt? Considering taking the leap into roleplaying? Whatever your favorite way to play World of Warcraft, let us know in the comments what you're playing this weekend!