
Breakfast Topic: What was your favorite WoW moment of 2011?

Happy New Year's Eve, everyone! It's almost time to throw your old 2011 Justin Bieber calendar in the trash and hang your new 2012 Justin Bieber calendar.

No doubt, 2011 has been a heck of a year so far -- we were introduced to Mists of Pandaria, we killed Deathwing with 24 complete and total strangers, we BlizzConned, and we visited parallel universes. There's been a lot of really awesome stuff going down, and at WoW Insider, we've been in a reminiscing mood.

But don't let us have all the fun. We want to know what your favorite World of Warcraft moment was this past year. Was it the time your guild finally downed heroic Ragnaros? Was it the time you scored that Cho'gall kill with only one person left standing? The moment you hit the 999,999 gold cap? Or was it something more personal -- say, that moment your boyfriend shared news of your wedding proposal via a popular World of Warcraft website?