
One Shots: Great balls of fire

When it comes to feeling particularly heroic or villainous in a video game, several people really enjoy the crazy powers available to players in DC Universe Online. Speaking as someone who also plays a fire tank in the game, I must say that the power in the above image is definitely one of my personal favorites. However, this is One Shots, which is all about our readers' contributions, such as today's note and image from site regular, Redwense. He writes in: "There are those moments in video games that can make one giddy with delight, as the avatar under one's control performs something fun and unexpected. Summoning a burning meteorite and hurling it from great heights at an unsuspecting populace beneath my blood-stained leather boots? Yes, one of many super-villain moments. Doctor Moxie was just... warming up."

Do you have screenshots of your favorite game that you haven't sent in to us yet? If so, why are you holding back? You should gather those up and send them to us here at Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We can always use more MMO images to show off!