
Pennant, awesome baseball stats app for iPad

As we turn away from football and towards spring training, baseball fans with an iPad may want to check out Pennant, a new baseball statistics app that recently landed on the App Store. The new application contains details on every major league game played from 1952 to 2010. That's more than 115,000 games!

The application uses a combination of a Cover Flow and grid-style interface that makes it easy to browse by team names and by team geographic location. When you are viewing the information on an individual team, you can view each game within a season, plus performance statistics such as batting average and earned run averages for each season as a whole.

These two views only scratch the surface of the statistics that are available within Pennant. Each season can be further broken down into individual games, a view that lets you see the details and player roster for each game. If you want to relive the moment the ball dribbled through the legs of Bill Buckner in game 6 of the 1986 World Series, you can check out a game replay view that lets you scrub through a timeline of plays within the game. [Sorry for that example, Dave C. –Ed.]

Beautifully presented with a staggering amount of information, Pennant is a must-have for any baseball fan. The application is available for the iPad at a very reasonable US$4.99. Before you start worrying about storage size, the Pennant application is a mere 8.4 MB in size, as the bulk of the data is pulled down over the internet. Additional details about the application and the developer behind it can be found at the application's website.

[Via Appadvice]