
One Shots: Don't eat me!

Between the rifts opening up all over the place, a variety of monsters, and other hostile denizens of Telara, you'd think a RIFT player could catch a break when he's just in the company of his own pets. However, as today's One Shots from Hyasynth of the guild Decimation on the Shatterbone server shows, if you happen to use one of the fun consumables in the game, your pet might join the "trying to kill you" crowd. We'll let her explain: "I love the RIFT drop consumables. As if being a bat weren't cool enough, you can be a squirrel for an entire half hour! *mischief!* I'm attempting to exit the the Manufactory without becoming a cat snack."

Have you managed to snap a fun picture in your favorite MMO? Want to share the silliness? Send your screenshot in to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing in the picture. Also, a quick reminder: Make sure that your image is attached to the email, otherwise we can't post it! Your screenshot could be the next one we feature here on Massively!