
Wooden iPad 2 cover outsmarts Apple's Smart Cover

As if I don't already have a serious love affair with Apple's iPad 2 Smart Cover, now Holland-based Miniot is about to release a beautiful wooden iPad 2 cover.

The cover is carved from a single piece of wood and works similarly to the Smart Cover. Rather than folding into a triangular tube, the Miniot Cover rolls into a cylinder that supports the device in typing, video-watching and portrait orientations.

The company will start taking orders for the Miniot Cover tomorrow (March 25), and personal engraving is included for free. At a price tag of just €50 for this gorgeous cover, Miniot is going sell a boatload. Apple's own leather Smart Cover is selling for US$69, which works out to be about the same price.

Video of the Miniot Cover for iPad 2 follows on the next page.

Thanks to the Disney, Etc... blog for the tip!