
GameStop details U.S. and European console install base

Citing figures obtained by the NPD Group and International Data Group, GameStop included gaming hardware install base statistics for the U.S. and Europe in its latest annual report. According to the data, the U.S. hardware market stood at over 249 million units as of December 2010, with current-generation consoles ranked as follows:

  • Nintendo DS - 47.3 million

  • Nintendo Wii - 34.2 million

  • Xbox 360 - 25.4 million

  • PSP - 19 million

  • PS3 - 15.4 million

In Europe, the total gaming hardware install base is roughly 153 million, according to IDG data from December 2010. The report breaks down that number, too:

  • Nintendo DS - 46 million

  • Nintendo Wii - 24.9 million

  • PSP - 14.8 million

  • PS3 - 14.7 million

  • Xbox 360 - 13.7 million

You guys can probably digest those numbers for yourself, but here's our preliminary take on the data: Man, the Nintendo DS is ballin'.