
One Shots: Segue

Starting zone week is drawing to a close, and MagnetHead has provided the perfect transition into sci-fi week with his not-so-nostalgic look back at the starting area of Global Agenda.

This is a pic of the starting zone located in the 'evil' Commonwealth. It's good to know you're a bit further along than these poor husks.

Thanks for all the great images of those early-on areas of your favorite games. It's fun to see how many MMOs provide a good first impression, but now it's time to go a little more high-tech. Are you loving Perpetuum? Immersed in Battlestar Galactica Online? Beta testing Black Prophecy? Let your favorite sci-fi game strut its stuff this week by sending a great screenshot to us at Include your your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing, and we'll post it up and give you the thanks!