
Audition director Takashi Miike making Ace Attorney movie

Speaking to reporters during the Cannes film festival, director Takashi Miike (Audition, Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai, and a million other things) announced his next film: "It is a very light comedy that I am filming now," as the Huffington Post quotes him, "a court drama, based on a video game, the Nintendo game DS." Warning: that Huffington Post interview is pretty much entirely about ritual suicide except for that brief quote.

HOLD IT! If we're reading this correctly, that means a high-profile, acclaimed film director is adapting the Ace Attorney series from the dual screens to the big screen. This is the best news ever for fans of overblown, overdressed arguments.

This isn't Miike's first game adaptation about people in brightly colored suits. In 2007, Miike directed a live-action film based on Yakuza.