
Superheroes get a helping hand with Champions Online's weekend boost event

Even the most self-sufficient superhero needs a boost now and then from a welcome ally, which is why Cryptic's starting Champions Online's summer with a weekend of love, boosts, and free content.

Starting Friday, June 17th at 1:00 p.m. EDT and running until Monday, June 20th at the same time, Champions is giving its players a weekend worth of boosts. All players will receive a triad of helpful boosts, including Triumphant Recovery, Heroic Comeback and Team XP. Steam players get a little something extra in the form of a sassy Pistolwhip Sidekick to help with the fights.

On top of all this, Cryptic is making the Demonflame adventure pack free to everyone. Normally this pack is behind a pay wall, so this presents a great opportunity for frugal capes to check out the content and earn a few snazzy rewards before Monday.