
WRUP: Supreme Court decision redux

Before we collectively forget there was a Supreme Court decision on video games last week, let's get it back front and center: read all about Brown v. EMA, or check out our Law of the Game overview post.

What's everyone playing?

  • Alexander Sliwinski (@XanderSliwinski): Some Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising co-op, along with Fallout: New Vegas. If I really need to relax I'll get into some Dawn of Discovery.

  • Ben Gilbert (@BigBossBgilbert): If the sun doesn't kill me at Brighton Beach (it's always trying), I'll rejoin my buddy Garcia in Hell for a second run through of Shadows of the Damned (damned ... damned ... damned). And of course continuing my daily quest to dominate Russ Frushtick's Super Stickman Golf scores.

  • Christopher Grant (@ChrisGrant): I'll be in New York this weekend as a judge for the Imagine Cup, a Microsoft-sponsored competition that challenges students to "imagine a world where technology helps solve the toughest problems." So, in that capacity, I'll be playing games there!

  • David Hinkle (@DaveHinkle): I probably won't have much time to game this weekend, on account of all I have to write from yesterday's EA Summer Showcase.

  • Griffin McElroy (@griffinmcelroy): I'm playing "disavow myself of most of my earthly possessions so I can fit my belongings in a hatchback car, which I will then use to move across the country." Also, Kard Combat.

  • JC Fletcher (@jcfletcher): I'm going to continue my tour of a virtual universe of imagination in Child of Eden, and shoot furiously at every wonder I see.

  • Jess Conditt (@JessConditt): I'l be playing the first 10-12 hours of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, because a leak on which the developer encourages pirates to comment and review is no leak at all. It is a treasure.

  • Jordan Mallory (@Jordan_Mallory): Mo' Kombat, mo' problems. I'm switching my main from Ermac to Kitana, so this weekend will be a painful struggle between learning a new character and preserving my win-loss ratio.

  • Justin McElroy (@JustinMcElroy): I'm going to try to fix the heating element on my oven. Whatever you play at my funeral is up to you.

  • Ludwig Kietzmann (@LudwigK): I've got a lot of work lined up this weekend, so I'll probably stick to Alice: Madness Returns. It's hardly sophisticated, but I could do with a placid platformer after all that edge-sitting in Shadows of the Damned.

  • Mike Schramm (@MikeSchramm): I'll continue to go against the grain, and actually enjoy playing through Dragon Age 2.

  • Randy Nelson (@DangerPenguin): I'm going to break out a bunch of my old Amiga games and party like it's 1989. Ah, the sweet gronks of a 3.5" floppy drive!

  • Richard Mitchell (@SenseiRAM) Ms. 'Splosion Man. Followed by Ms. 'Splosion Man and, if I have time, Ms. 'Splosion Man.

  • Steven Wong: I have to decide which game I impuluse-bought from the Steam summer sale I should play first. Sanctum, Atom Zombie Smasher and Jamestown are looking like good candidates.