
Acer reschedules Iconia Tab A100 launch for September, Android 3.2 to blame / thank?

Drama concerning a 7-inch slate from Acer -- who woulda thunk it? After teasing the world with a (relatively) low-cost entrance back at the start of this year, Acer abruptly informed us that the Iconia Tab A100 wouldn't ship until the latter half of 2011. Now, however, it looks like we're honing in on yet another specific time frame. Thanks to a Facebook reply from Acer Deutschland (and prying from one Jakob Otto), we've now learned that the A100 is back on schedule for a September release -- at least across the pond. 'Course, only time will tell if software was the reason, but given that Android 3.2 was tailor-made for 7-inch devices, we're cautiously optimistic that Acer's going to reward those who waited with an updated OS.

[Thanks, Jakob]