
Say Goodbye to the White MacBook (Updated)

Update: The MacBook will continue to be available to educational institutions, Engadget reports.

With the launch of the new Sandy Bridge MacBook Air models, Apple has sent its US$999 MacBook to the graveyard. All links for the older white MacBook model are gone from Apple's website and now redirect to the Mac landing page.

Though we will miss the venerable white model, it only makes sense. The new 13-inch MacBook Air is souped up enough to replace the MacBook for most people and the Air's US$999 price tag is reasonable. If a grand is too much to drop on a new OS X Lion machine, the new Core i5 Mac Mini may fit the bill with its starting price tag of $599. Yeah, its not a portable like the other models, but it does get you into a Lion computer for cheap.

[Via Macworld]