
How one Newton owner uses his device every day

The Apple Newton is ancient history, right? The short-lived device made its debut in 1993 at Macworld Boston, going through seven design iterations before being cancelled by Apple in early 1998. For a hardy group of souls, the Newton is still in daily use.

New Zealand-based blogger "Genghis7777" is an investment banker who loves him some Newton. He has a few of them, along with a pile of necessary and useful peripherals -- four MessagePad 2000s, two MessagePad 2100s, and a pair of eMate 300s.

To show how he's still using the devices (presumably one at a time) in his everyday life, Genghis7777 listed a typical day with a Newton. His day starts with Adam Tow's Alarm Clock app waking him up at 6:00 AM, he uses the MoreInfo app (see screenshot) as a personal information manager to see how his appointments for the day are looking, and does some reading from several Newton ebooks before heading off to work.

In the office, he uses the built-in Notepad app to take notes and adds new tasks to MoreInfo. On the way home from work, there's a stop at the supermarket where he uses the ShopList app to check his grocery list. Later, he writes up a journal entry in NotePad and looks at MoreInfo to see what's coming up in the next few days.

It's great to see that there are still people who find the Newton platform to be a useful and productive part of their lives. If you're curious about the Newton, be sure to visit the My Apple Newton blog and some of the other sites listed on the rather impressive blogroll.