
Allods Online prepares the Ritual of the Damned

Ritual of the Damned banner -- Allods Online

Following in the wake of The Crucible, The Heart of Fire, and the Astral Cemetary, a new event will soon test the mettle of mid-level Allods Online players. Welcome to The Ritual of the Damned. Yasker and Aidenus have decided to submit players to yet another "educational experience" to help hone the players' skills in preparation for the threats that lie before them. Well, either that, or kill them. One of the two.

Players from levels 30 to 36 will be recruited by Allods' GMs to participate in the Ritual, which takes place on the ominously named Isle of the Damned. The event is said to be more than just a jovial time of killing monsters and shooting the breeze; it will test "your strength, your endurance, your reactivity, and your team spirit." Throughout the ritual, GMs will pass judgment on the players to deem whether they are worthy of participating in the ritual itself or they are fit only as sacrificial victims. The event will be taking place Tuesday, August 23rd, beginning at 1:00 p.m. EDT, with an encore on Wednesday, August 24th at 1:00 p.m. EDT. So, are you worthy? Log in and find out. But be careful, lest you find yourself under the ritual knife.