
So long and thanks for all the pics: One Shots favorites

We bid a final farewell to One Shots yesterday, but we couldn't let almost four years and 1,500 reader-submitted screenshots go without a little nod to some of our favorites.

First up, of course, is the first-ever One Shots entry. Liz Harper had this to say about the image:

I wanted to start our daily screenshot feature on Massively off with something, well, massive. A memorable, recognizable, and important scene from MMO history... and while you may all argue with me about what makes this particular shot important, it was the first thing that came to mind. Here we see a group of City of Heroes players gathering at City Hall in Atlas Park to "salute the memory and inspiration that is Christopher Reeve on the 2nd anniversary of his death." It's rare to see an in-game event that brings players together for a cause other than slaying dragons and similar.

Ready for more? Follow along after the jump for more of the best of One Shots!

Next up is an image from a game that doesn't exactly bring "peaceful sunsets and idyllic scenery" to mind when you first think of it:

Darkfall is becoming known as a hardcore type of game, so it seems to make sense that players in Darkfall might likely take the much more difficult route of building rafts to get across water rather than jumping in and swimming like players in many other MMOs do. Still, it's certainly a lovely, bright shot from within this unforgiving game. This One Shots was sent in to us by Paragus, who notes that this group is an Inquisition raft fleet. Certainly doesn't look like a bunch of people you'd want to run across.

The art style of World of Warcraft might not appeal to everyone, but there's no denying that the game has some truly impressive views. WoW fan Michelyne sent us this one:

My recent best shot is when I was doing The Purification of Quel'Delar at Sunwell Plateau, part of the Quel'Delar chain quest. I was lucky to win the Battered Hilt on the first day, during my first run after the patch! This quest sent me back to Sunwell plateau, and the chamber is absolutely beautiful! I'll recommend to the player who gets this item: Don't sell it (it's selling for like 12K+ on my server); do this quest! You will be stunned by the amazing experience. It comes with an achievement too!

Remember The Chronicles of Spellborn? We do too, and we loved this shot from Rayco Silverthorn:

My first trip off of Parliament led me to Atheneum, home of The Consanguineous Vaults or just The Vaults. The ever-increasingly difficult Vaults are where young adventurers go to hone their skills to become the heroes of tomorrow. This game features arguably the best combat system ever, the best way to handle death via Pep levels, and a refreshing theme that breaks away from the oh-so-common style of fantasy MMORPGs.

Some One Shots submissions make it into our "favorites" list because of their stories as much as the images themselves. This Lord of the Rings Online image from Andrew is an example of that:

My Burglar was running through the early part of Mirkwood and heading back to an Elven camp to cash in a quest when he was set upon by a foul goblin. Well, I was close to the Elven encampment, so I thought, "Hey, I'll run right up to the legion of Elven Guards; no way will the goblin reach me there." What I didn't realize was that apparently the Elves were so entrenched in a meeting that they couldn't help out a Hobbit. Needless to say, I dispatched the goblin fiend, but not without being a bit perturbed by the laziness of some Elves.

Our final image comes to us from Guild Wars player Reg:

My quest for 30 points on the Guild Wars 2 calculator sent me into Sorrow's Furnace to unlock the Black Moa Chick mini-pet. This was my first time there, so when I saw this view, I just sorta stopped and was amazed at it all -- and figured it was time for a screenshot! I did go on to beat the Iron Forgeman, unlocking the Black Moa Chick and the Eternal Conquerer of Sorrow's Forge HoM statue and completing a Zaishen Bounty. Thirty points!!! Now for that Obsidian armor set.

Of course, with so many amazing images to choose from, there wasn't nearly enough room for all of our favorites. Is there a One Shots image you love that you don't see here? Check out the galleries below and let us know in the comments! Finally, thanks to each and every one of you who contributed to One Shots -- we could not have done it without you.