
Apple allows Big Fish to offer subscription-based gaming on iPad [Update: and then changes its mind]

Apple has bestowed upon Big Fish Games the ability to offer customers access to dozens of its iPad titles for a monthly fee. This is the first time a subscription model has been implemented by a games publisher, as apps are regularly sold a la carte.

Big Fish Games told Bloomberg it will also offer a free version of its "all-you-can-eat" service, which limits play to 30 minutes a day and includes ads. The initial charge for the subscription service is $4.99 a month, with plans for an increase to $6.99 when more titles are added next year. Big Fish Games founder Paul Thelen says Apple will take a 30 percent cut.

Update: ...or not, Bloomberg reports the app has been removed by Apple. We're currently following up with Big Fish Games to find out what's going on.