
Paper, Scissors, Stone registered by LucasArts and BioWare in Australia

Ryan Langley is a level designer at Halfbrick Studios, so he's used to putting secret rewards in hard-to-find places, but in this case he found one. He discovered that both LucasArts and BioWare have filed for a classification in the Australian government for a computer game called Paper, Scissors, Stone. Unfortunately, we have no idea what that is at all.

The classification does mention that it's related to "science fiction themes" and that the game will have "online content." When you combine that with the fact that both LucasArts and BioWare are listed on the mark (along with publisher EA), it's possible that, even despite the M rating for mature audiences, this could have something to do with the upcoming The Old Republic MMO. A standalone minigame of some kind? That's just a guess, but yes please on that.

At any rate, we'll probably hear about this one soon. In the meantime, you might want to start practicing your hand signals.